आसीत् - aasit (was)
एकवचन |
सः दुष्ट: आसीत् किन्तु इदानीम् सः दुष्ट: नास्ति = वह दुष्ट था लेकिन अब वह नहि है |
(He was evil but he is not now.)
सा दुष्ट: आसीत् किन्तु इदानीम् सा दुष्ट: नास्ति = वह दुष्ट थी लेकिन अब वह नहि है |
(She was evil but now she is not.)
नितेष्स्य कृते सामित्र आसीत् किन्तु इदानीम् नास्ति = नितेश के पास Girlfriend था लेकिन अब नहि है |
(Nitesh had a girlfriend but now he doesn't.)
कुप्यं जलम् आसीत् किन्तु इदानीम् नास्ति = बोतल में पानी था लेकिन अब नहीं है |
(There was water in the bottle but now it is not.)
आसन् - aasan (were)
वृक्ष फलम् आसन् = पेड़ मे फले थे | (There were fruits in the tree.)
भवन्तः हाजीपुर नगर गतवान आसन् = वे लोग हाजीपुर शहर गए थे | (We had gone to Hajipur town.)
भवन्तः कदा हाजीपुर नगरे गतवान आसन् = वे लोग कब हाजीपुर शहर गए थे | (When did you go to Hajipur city.)
भवन्तः कदा गृह खादामि करोति आसन् = वे लोग घर पर कब खाना खाते थे | (When did you used to eat food at home)
तृतीया Trutiya (Instrumental case)
सः हस्तेन कार्य करोति = वह हाथ से काम करता है | (He works with his hands.)
बालकः स्यूतेन पुस्तकानि नयति = बालक बैग से पुस्तके ले रहा है | (The child is taking books from the bag.)
बालिका चमसेन मधुरं खादति = लड़कियाँ चमश से मिठाई खा रहि है | (The ladkiya is eating honey with a spoon.)
राम: हस्तेन लिखीति = राम हाथ से लिखता है | (Ram writes with his hands.)
ते जना वाहनेन गच्छति = वे लोग गाड़ी से जारहे है (Those people are walking from Gari.)
Q भवान कथम् विद्यालय गच्छति = आप कैसे स्कूल जाते हो | (how do you go to school.)
A अहं बसेन विद्यालय गछामि = मै बस से स्कूल जाता हु | (I go to school in bus.)
द्रिचक्रिका अहम् विधलय् गच्छामि | = मोटर - साइकिल से हम स्कूल जाते है | (We go to school by bike.)
सुधाखण्डनेन लिखामि | = चाक से लिखता हू | (i write with chalk,)
बालकः नौकायाः गच्छती | = बालक नाओ से जाता है | (The boy goes by now.)
In this post we are discussing how to use Trutiya, Aasan, Aasita, Varna etc. This one is an video classes by just watching videos you can learn to speak in Sanskrit language without any difficulty
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